# Finished ? Congratulations ! 🎉

You now know the basics of a Progressive Web App, but you still have a lot to discover!

# Quiz

Want to test your knowledge about PWA ? A quiz is available here: Quiz PWA (opens new window)

# Additional exercises

Here are some additional exercises that you can try to achieve from the knowledge gained in this workshop:

  • replace images of non-cached attendees with a fallback.jpg default image when the network request fails
  • add an expiration time to the API GET request cache
  • automatically request a background sync 1 minute after the previous one

# A comprehensive documentation on PWA

Find a complete documentation about Progressive Web Apps here: pwa-cookbook.js.org (opens new window)

# Remark, correction, suggestion?

All of our materials are available at Github (opens new window) and open to external contributions via * Pull Requests *.